Senator Lindsey Graham Teases Bombshell Regarding FBI’s Trump Probe

by Chuck Ross


Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham provided a slew of updates about the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation into Crossfire Hurricane on Sunday and teased “damning” revelations that he said will soon be made public.

“There’s a day of reckoning,” Graham said in an interview on Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures.”

On Thursday, Graham released a declassified FBI memo that said that the bureau opened a counterintelligence investigation in 2009 against the primary source for dossier Christopher Steele, a Russia analyst identified as Igor Danchenko.

The FBI investigated whether Danchenko was illegally working as a Russian agent.

Graham said that the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team learned about the previous investigation in December 2016 but continued relying on Steele’s dossier for its investigation into the Trump campaign.

The FBI also failed to disclose the derogatory information in applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, according to Graham.

An FBI and Justice Department team interviewed Danchenko in January 2017 regarding his work for Steele, a former British spy.

The revelation marks a major development in the investigation into the origins of the dossier, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and DNC.

Graham said Sunday that “there’s something else coming more damning than this, believe it or not.”

The South Carolina Republican hinted that additional documents related to the dossier and the FBI’s investigation will be declassified.

Maria Bartiromo, the host of “Sunday Morning Futures,” reported that her sources say that U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, is unlikely to issue additional indictments or a report on his investigation.

Bartiromo, who did not identify her sources, said that there is an internal debate at the Justice Department about whether or not to release the information so close to an election.

The Justice Department did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Durham has secured a guilty plea from former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted to altering an email related to Carter Page in June 2017.

Graham said he had no knowledge of Durham’s plans, but added, “I’ll be shocked if nobody’s charged with a crime at the FBI…for misleading the FISA court.”

Graham also previewed a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday for former FBI Director James Comey.

Graham said he plans to ask Comey what he knew about Danchenko, and why the FBI failed to disclose information about him to the FISA Court.

“I’m going to ask James Comey, did you know that the man who put the dossier together for Christopher Steele was a suspected Russian spy on the payroll of the Democratic Party. If you knew that why didn’t you tell the court?” Graham said.

He also said that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will testify before the committee on Oct. 6. McCabe directed many of the decisions in Crossfire Hurricane.

Graham told Bartiromo that he is also trying to arrange an interview with William Barnett, an FBI special agent who questioned the basis for the FBI’s investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Barnett told U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen in an interview on Sept. 17 that he “did not understand the point” of the investigation of Flynn. He also said that the special counsel’s team had a “get Trump” mentality.

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Chuck Ross is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation
Photo “Lindsey Graham” by Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0









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One Thought to “Senator Lindsey Graham Teases Bombshell Regarding FBI’s Trump Probe”

  1. John

    Graham is just grandstanding. Nothing is ever going to come of this so called, investigation. The one positive thing I can say is that at least Graham has grown some nads since his Commie sympathizer and colleague, John McCain, passed.

    Yes, I said Commie sympathizer. How else do you think McCain survived and came out of those POW camps looking so healthy?
